How to Cast a Dog’s Leg for a Custom Brace


What is included in the casting kit?

Each impression kit contains all the materials you need to take an accurate impression of your dog’s leg. Each kit contains the following:

  • shirt
  • cut stripes
  • 2 rolls of fiberglass casting tape
  • safety knife
  • Pair of disposable gloves
  • scissors
  • tape measure

Not included in the kit, but necessary:

  • Bowl of room temperature (or cold) water
  • A permanent marker
  • An assistant that helps keep the pet calm and correctly positioned throughout the process

Step-by-step instructions for pouring

Follow each instruction carefully. The casting set contains sufficient casting material for one cast. Please take your time and throw correctly the first time. If additional casting materials are required, please contact us at 888-253-0777 to purchase additional casting materials.

Your pet should be in an upright position and weight bearing on their leg during the watering process. This allows the cast to be shaped in a natural standing position. If a pet cannot stand, casting can be done while the pet is lying down with one leg fully extended mimicking a standing position.

Step 1: Apply the Stockinet

Put on the leotard before you start watering
The jersey compresses your dog’s hair, acts as a barrier and allows for clean lines in the finished cast.

While the pet is in a standing position, place the jersey on your dog’s leg. Start at the paw and roll the jersey over your pet’s injured leg. The jersey should cover the entire paw and leg to create a barrier between the cast material and your pet’s fur. No need to shave your pet’s fur, the leotard provides clear definition of your pet’s leg.

Your assistant should hold the leotard as high as possible on the lateral side and raise the leotard as your groin cast. For best results, the jersey should be as straight as possible with no creases or creases.

Step 2: Place the cutting strip

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Place the yellow trim strip on your dog’s leg, the trim strip should be on top of your pet’s jersey. The cutting strip acts as a barrier between your pet’s leg and the safety knife, if you cut the bandage you should Never start watering until the cut strip is securely in place. The cut strip should be placed vertically on your pet’s leg, straight down the middle of the limb.

Step 3: Wear protective gloves

Always wear the disposable gloves before handling wet casting tape. The Cast Tape feels sticky and may leave residue on your hands. We recommend always placing a barrier between the impression material and your skin, floor or clothing.

Step 4: Prepare the casting tape

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Each casting kit comes with two different widths of casting tape, a 2″ wide and a 3″ wide. For small dogs or dogs with skinny legs, choose the 2″ wide band. A 3″ bandwidth works best for large dogs with thicker legs.

With gloved hands, open the Cast Tape packaging and submerge it in your bowl of water. The water should be cool to the touch; Hot water speeds up the hardening process of the fiberglass tape and renders it unusable. The plaster of paris tape should be immersed in the water for 10 seconds.

Step 5: Pour your pet’s leg

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Remove the casttape from the water and start wrapping your dog’s leg. Start at the highest point of the pet’s leg and slowly begin wrapping the leg, working your way down. The bandage should lie flat against your dog’s legs, overlapping each layer by 50% as you go down the limb. It is important that the bandage stays flush with your pet’s leg and neatly covers any bony prominences on the leg. Continue to wrap the leg and entire paw, covering the toes.

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The plaster band should be slightly tight but not too tight. Once the roll of tape has been used and the entire leg is covered, press the tape with your hands and adjust to the natural shape of your pet’s leg. Gently massage the material into your dog’s leg, squeezing the paw to ensure the foot is in the correct stance position and ensuring the cast is properly molded around your dog’s joints. For best results, the cast should be thin enough so that the shape of any bony prominences is clearly visible.

If your pet is thrown while lying down, check your dog’s leg position. Make sure the paw is bent as if the dog is standing and the leg has a natural bend.

The cast tape will begin to heat up as it hardens. When the tape is warm to the touch and you can feel it beginning to harden, the cast should be ready for removal.

Step 6: Prepare the cast for removal

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Before you remove the cast, take your permanent marker and draw a vertical line down the center of the cutting strip. This line will act as a guide for you to cut along.

Draw five horizontal lines along the cast; The certified prosthetist will use these lines to line up the cast before creating your dog’s mold.

Step 7: Remove the plaster

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Once the plaster is prepared and properly marked, it’s time to remove the plaster. Take your safety knife and hook it over the top of the cast. The blade should line up with the strip you cut and the line you drew earlier. Slide the knife down along your drawn line and cut through the cast all the way to the bottom.

Remove the yellow cutting strip and carefully remove the cast from your pet’s leg. After removing, take the scissors; Using the blunt end, carefully cut the leotard from top to bottom and remove it from the pet’s leg. Now you have a perfect impression of your dog’s leg.

If there is a crease or the bandage is too thick to cut with the safety knife, it’s okay to use a utility knife. Carefully follow the center of the yellow stripe as you cut the fiberglass tape. The blade will not cut through the yellow stripe and your pet will be protected. Go slow, cutting a little at a time until you’ve removed it.

Step 8: Prepare and ship the finished cast

Once the cast has been removed, use your permanent marker and write your pet’s name and your last name directly on the cast. Complete the order form included with your casting kit and mail both the cast and order form to Walkin’ Pets Ortho Division in Arizona for the orthosis to be manufactured. Send the finished plaster to the following address:

Walkin’ Pets Ortho

6501 East Greenway Avenue,


Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Step 9: Order orthosis

If you haven’t already purchased the brace, return to or call us at 888-253-0777 to purchase the brace for your pet. Your pet’s braces are sold separately and manufacturing of your pet’s braces will not begin until the order has been paid for in full.



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