How to know if your cat has allergies?

Cats also experience allergies just like humans. They suffer from allergies due to the unusual happening in their surroundings. Allergies can be spread from cats to humans through their physical contact. Cats have allergies when their immune system is sensitive to specific allergy and surroundings.

It may be very difficult to determine how much an allergy can be dangerous to a cat’s health without knowing the allergy type and what they are for. The first thing you need to know about your cat is she/he is suffering due to your other cats and what he/she is allergic to. If you observe more than one symptom of allergy, visit a doctor or consultant to make sure that what type of allergy is that.

All these allergies are mostly present in surroundings and almost all the animals are safe to them but on the other hand, cats are the most sensitive creation in animals that are sensitive to even mild allergens. To get rid of allergies cats show some symptoms that are also helpful to their owner to examine that cat is suffering from an allergy. Some of the symptoms that show your cat has allergy are given below; 

How to know if your cat has allergies?

Symptoms or signs

Symptoms that show cat has allergy are;

  • Difficulty in breathing or coughing,
  • Diarrhea, 
  • Sneezing,
  • Inflammation in paws,
  • Snoring,
  • Irritation or itching,
  • Watery eye,
  • Vomiting,
  • Ear infection.

1. Difficulty in breathing or coughing 

When your cat is suffering from allergies it may cause asthma. In this case, if you notice any abnormality in your cat’s breathing or observe extra coughing then visit your cat consultant in no time. Because it would be dangerous to your cat if he/she is suffering from chronic asthma. Allergy can be severed if it is not treated on time. So, the little discomfort in your cat’s breathing can disturb their respiratory system continually.

2. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is the first alarming situation for a cat owner. It is the indication that your cat has some health issues. Diarrhea may be caused due to food which means that your cat has eaten something that is inappropriate. Diarrhea shows their symptoms instantly or over time.

3. Sneezing

Sneezing shows the symptoms just like coughing and breathing issues. It is happening due to the environmental changes that lead to allergy. Seasonal sneezing does not cause any harm, but continuous sneezing causes major abnormalities. If you notice any abnormality visit to your cat’s consultant in no time to prevent a big loss. 

4. Vomiting

If you observe that your cat has vomit issues daily, so it is time to take a step and visit your cats’ consultant. 

Vomit is caused due to eating something unhealthy or leftover which ultimately causes allergy. Constant vomiting whatever the cause is not something healthy that happens in your cat’s life.  

5. Irritation or itching 

Irritation or itching may be caused due to the diverse type of allergens. It is the most unpleasant symptom from which your cat is suffering. Though normal itching or grooming is the common action of a cat, severe itching or irritation is happening due to the allergens. If you observe that your cat does excessive itching or chewing, then it has inflamed paws. If your cat does not experience severe chewing or itching, make sure to visit your cat’s consultant to avoid damage.

6. Watery eyes

When your cat has an allergy then he/she also experiences eye irritation, excessive eye water discharge. Foment with a warm cloth will help to lessen the discharge and inflammation and your cat will feel relaxed. It is not easy to identify the symptoms until you do not know the cause behind it. If it is caused due to allergy then visit a consultant for a cure.

7. Snoring

Voluble snoring also may be a sign of allergy since usually it is caused by the nasal inflammation. Inflammation in the throat is caused due to the allergens that present in the surrounding environment. To cure this issue visits a consultant.

8. Ear infection

Cats usually do not have ear infections. If your cat is suffering from an ear infection it means there is a serious problem behind it. If your cat is rubbing his ear more frequently, identify the reason to prevent severe allergy or infection. An ear infection could be secondary to allergy.

Treatment of allergies:

There is really no remedy for cat allergy; however immunotherapy might help to improve your cat resistance toward these allergens. Immunotherapy includes taking allergy injections once or twice a week for more than six months, followed by weekly boosters for many years.

The most common type of allergy that a cat can face is food allergy. Your cat may be suffering from food allergy so for diagnosing food allergies, the pet should be fed either a new food product or a hydrolyzed diet and nothing but water for almost six to eight weeks. If the signs stop during this time, the cat will have a food allergy. In order to cure your cat’s food allergy, you must either continue to provide the food included in the menu or re-introduce regular foods one at a time. This will help you to decide about their allergen.  

Holding cats inside with windows closed and using an air conditioner or air filter can limit the sensitivity of your cat to pollen. Daily washing or at least cleaning the cat with a wet cloth prevents the allergens that can be stuck in her hair. Vets can recommend supplements for fatty acids, antihistamines, hypo-sensitization therapy and immunosuppressive drugs.

Try some large litter boxes as well, as they are good for allergic cats

Find some nice litter boxes for allergic cats:

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