Cat Not Using Litter Boxes – reasons and solutions

Are you facing the same problem that your cat is not using a litter box? There are a variety of reasons why cats stop using litter boxes. The reasons include environmental changes, dissatisfaction with litter boxes and their placement or it can be some undiagnosed medical conditions. You need to understand the problems your kitty is facing. this is important to understand why you cat stopped using litter box all of a sudden.

Cat Not Using Litter Boxes

Reasons why you cat is not using litter boxes:

You also have to understand if your cat is not using the litter box even if you tried everything, punishment won’t correct the behavior. Punishment can increase the stress your cat might be facing. Here in this article, we are going to tell you the causes and treatments that can make it easy for you to identify the problem. specially if your senior cat stopped using litter box.

Medical Problems Your Cat might Be Facing for not using litter boxes:

Several medical conditions may result in a cat not using the litter box. Most medical conditions that cause lapses in using litter boxes can be easily remedied. Here are some medical causes that your cat might be facing:

Urinary Tract Problem: The very first step is to take your cat to the vet for a thorough physical examination. If your male cat is not using litter boxes, it might be a sign of some urinary tract infection or much worse, a blockage. It causes pain while urinating and maybe your cat is associating it with using the litter box and that’s why he is avoiding it. Urinary tract problems can be very serious especially in male cats. The urethra (a tube that empties the urine from the bladder) in male cats is narrow and easily plugged than a female’s wider urethra.
• a cat has its urinary tract blockage, he can die within hours or can suffer irreversible organ damage as toxins buildup in his system. Sometimes your cat starts crying right after urinating then you have to understand what he is going through. So you don’t have to sit and think what to do just take him to the vet immediately for a medical exam.

• Feline interstitial Cystitis: cystitis means inflamed bladder. It is a neurological disease that affects the cat’s bladder. Cystitis symptoms include pain while urinating, frequent urination, blood in the urine or they may lick themselves while they urinate. Feline interstitial cystitis can make a cat eliminate using the litter box. This is because of the frequent urination and increased urgency to urinate and because the pain is involved in urination. This disease is very serious and can be life threating to the cat and must be treated immediately by a veterinarian.

· Kidney Stones or Blockage: if your kitty has kidney stones or a blockage, she may frequently enter her litter box because of the pain she may experience. She may meow or cry when she tries to eliminate. Her abdomen may be tender to the touch.

You can try a better litter box as a solution, our choice in this case is:

The best litter box for cats avoiding to use any litter box:

Petmate Top Entry Litter Pan– Best top Entry

What is its specialty? This High Sided Litter Box has high rise sides to avert urine squirt. It’s very easy to clean because of its nonstick inner and easy dispense. Litter boxes with carbon filters and automatic shifting are normally expensive. If you want to a litter box in the best budget and efficient too, then this is a perfect fit for you. It’s the Nature’s Miracle High-Sided Litter Box. This is not just at a reasonable price but also includes all those features which you love being a cat owner.

Petmate Top Entry Litter Pan

Litter-Box Management Problems

Cat Not Using Litter Boxes - reasons and solutions 2

If your cat is not comfortable using the litter box or cannot easily access it then it might be a reason she won’t use it. The following common litter-box problems might cause her to eliminate using the litter box:

• Litter box might have a liner or hood that makes her uncomfortable.
• Your cat cannot easily get to her litter box. check out the disposable ones here.
• Cats usually prefer one or two inches of litter. A deep litter in the cat’s box can be uncomfortable for them.
• Cat’s litter box is not clean enough. Rinse the litter box completely with baking soda or unscented soap at least once a week.
• You have not provided enough litter boxes for your household. Be sure to have a separate litter box for each of your cats, as well as one extra.
• The majority of cats prefer large litter boxes which they can enter easily.
• Cats like their litter box in a quiet place. But make sure the location is not cornered. They should be able to see people or other animals.
• Put your cat’s food bowls somewhere else other than next to the litter box.
• If your cat eliminates on a specific place outside the litter box then try to place the litter box there. If it is not possible then place a food bowl, toys and water bowl there to discourage further elimination.
• Some cats prefer eliminating on specific surfaces like carpet, bedding or potting soil. If their litter box in not on the location they like, they may avoid elimination in the litter box. Cats with physical limitations or geriatric cats may face a difficult time with using certain types of litter boxes such as high sides litter boxes and top-entry litter boxes.
• Make inappropriate elimination areas less appealing. Try putting motion-activated or regular lights in dark areas. You can also make that location or surface less appealing by placing upside-down carpet runners or sticky tape in the area where your cat used to eliminate.

Stress and Anxiety

An anxious cat might pee elsewhere as a way to relieve her stress and anxiety. If an outside cat is eliminating in your yard that also can cause stress for your cat. To keep your cat relax make sure to keep her food bowls in place and full, keep her routine as predictable as possible. If you can’t eliminate the sources of stress, try to reduce them.

Multi-cat Household Conflict

Cats who live together can develop a conflict sometimes over an elimination issue. If you have multiple cats and you don’t know which cat is not using the litter box to eliminate then you should speak with your veterinarian about giving fluorescein (a harmless dye) to one of your cats. This dye causes urine to glow blue under ultraviolet light for 24 hours. It does not stain carpeting. If you can’t get or use fluorescein, you can confine your cats temporarily one at a time to determine which one is elimination outside the litter box.

If there is a conflict going on between your cats and one of them seems stressed, try to provide additional litter boxes in locations when that stressed cat is spending most of her time. It is also very useful to create vertical resting spots. It may help to distribute food, water and litter boxes for each cat without any conflict with another cat.

What NOT to do with your Cat when not using litter boxes

To solve your cat’s elimination problems, you must avoid:
• Scolding your cat or dragging her towards the litter box.
• Rubbing your cat’s nose in urine or feces.
• Not using a product specifically for cleaning pet accidents.
• Confining your cat to a small room with the litter box.

At the end:
Unfortunately for cat owners, there is no quick fix to these litter box problems. For medical issues, you have to speak with your vet about the behavior and symptoms your cat is facing. With a little time and energy, you will restore harmony and can stop your cat from eliminating outside of the litter box.

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