Can a Cat Eat Kale? Safe or Not?

Can cats eat kale? Kale, being an increasingly popular superfood, full of nutrients and a low calorie amount, is one of the best options for weight control and eating more healthily.

Can Cats Eat Kale?
Can Cats Eat Kale

Can Cats Have Kale?

Yes, they can. These green leaves are non-toxic to your furry friend, whether they be in raw form or cooked form. These nutrition-filled leaves could even benefit your cat in some ways. However, before feeding these to your cat, you should note that they are not meant to be a permanent supplement in your cat’s diet. These should be given in moderation and only as a treat.

Hence, reaching to a conclusion: Kale is not completely safe for your cat.

Human Food in Cat Diets

The first rule of thumb is that not every meal that we “people” eat can be eaten by a cat. Cats are obligatory carnivores, requiring a meal primarily of meat, different to how we “omnivores” can eat a variety of foods.

However, cats still have a sense of curiosity to try different items laid before it, especially those with strong smell. So what if you find your cat outsid, chewing grass, which many cats can be found to do so. And why is that? Well, research suggests, that green leaves and grass produce some phenomenon that make cats happy.

Some believe that enzymes in leafy greens make meat simpler to digest, while others feel that leafy greens clear out a cat’s digestive tract, give extra nutrients, or make coughing up hairballs easier.

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Can a Cat Eat Kale? Safe or Not? 1

Is Kale Poisonous to Cats?

Kale is not poisonous to cats, according to the ASPCA’s master list of toxic plants. If the ASPCA does not believe kale is dangerous to cats, it is almost likely not. And so is Kale’s genetic family group such as watercress, alyssum and yellowrocket.

Small amounts of kale, on the other hand, can supply nearly as much nourishment to cats as they do to people. It’s high in fibre, which can help your cat control their calorie intake and move things through their digestive tract more smoothly

Benefits of Feeding Kale To Cats

Kale might not carry much nutritional value for cats as compared to their meaty meals, but it can bear some benefits:

Benefits of Feeding Kale to Cats?
Benefits of Feeding Kale to Cats?

Digestion Improvement

Kale is high in dietary fibre, which includes both soluble and insoluble fibres. Dietary fibre plays three important roles in improving the health of your cat’s digestive tract. For starters, the fibre feeds your cat’s gut-friendly microbes. Stomach-friendly bacteria are beneficial bacteria that live in an animal’s digestive tract and aid in food digestion.

Second, the dietary fiber in kale may aid in the thickening of your cat’s feces. By bulking up his stool, fiber improves your cat’s gastrointestinal issues such as indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, and bowel incontinence.

Finally, dietary fibre keeps you feeling fuller for a longer period of time. By sprinkling kale on top of your cat’s regular feed, the cat will eat less while remaining satiated for longer.

As a result, you’ll be able to limit how much food your cat eats, preventing weight gain. Fiber in the diet has also been related to improved heart and circulatory system performance. Fibers can benefit your cat’s bloodstream by eliminating “bad” cholesterol while increasing “good” cholesterol.

Disease Prevention

Kale is abundant in antioxidants such as beta-carotene, Vitamin C, polyphenols, and flavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol. These antioxidants protect your cat’s body oxidative stress. In layman’s terms, they prevent your cat from getting chronic ailments such as arthritis, cancer, and diabetes.

Kale antioxidants have also been found to have antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory properties. This demonstrates how effective they are at preventing a variety of feline diseases.

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Can a Cat Eat Kale? Safe or Not? 2

Other Benefits of Kale

  • Lower blood and cholestrol levels
  • Helps in blood clots due to high amount of Vitamin K
  • Enhancement of Cat’s Vision
  • Healthier Bones
  • Minimise the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts
  • Excellent anti-inflammatory food
  • Detoxification and also blocks tumour growth

Kale Poisoning

All the while, even with all these benefits, if kale is not given cautiously or in moderation, it can be dangerous.

The main threat of giving your cat too much kale is that they may overeat on it and become uninterested in food that has the specific nutrients they require. Cats like vegetables and reap some benefits from eating them, but they cannot absorb many of the nutrients included in many vegetables.

Another, rarer health concern that can be caused by consuming too much kale. It is known as Heinz body anaemia, and it damages a cat’s red blood cells, resulting in fever, weakness, loss of appetite, skin and gum discoloration, and reddish-brown urine. This is due to the fact that kale works as an oxidising agent in the cat

If you see any signs in your cat, take them to the doctor as soon as possible. Heinz body anaemia is easily curable, therefore your cat should be ready to return home shortly.

Endnote: Can Cats Eat Kale Flower?

Kale is a super healthy food for humans, but it’s not always safe for felines to eat. If you’re considering giving your cat kale, make sure you don’t give them too much at once. Some cats have experienced vomiting and diarrhea as a result of eating too much kale! It’s important to note that kale contains oxalates, which may be harmful to your pet if consumed too often.

Before giving your cat any new foods, talk to your vet first and let them know exactly what you’re planning on giving him or her.

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