Can Cats Eat Nuts? Benefits, Risks and Precautions

This rich source of fats and protein, full of health benefits for humans, may keep you wondering, “Can cats eat nuts?” Before answering this question, you should know that cats are natural obligate carnivores, meaning they get most of their nutrition from lean meat.

Can Cats Eat Nuts?

Can Cats Eat Nuts?

In short – Yes – cats can eat nuts but it is not recommended. The high amount of fat and sodium in nuts doesn’t allow for them to be fed more than as an occasional treat.

Salt and spices can cause gastrointestinal problems, vomiting, or diarrhea, while fats can cause pancreatitis, a dangerous condition. Also, large type of nuts can also pose a choking hazard.

Symptoms of Nut Toxicity

If you know your pet has eaten nuts and you notice any of these signs, call your veterinarian immediately.

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloody Faeces
  • Bloating
  • Fever
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Abdomen Pain (groaning, rapid breathing, touch avoidance)
  • Urine in orange colour

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Can Cats Eat Nuts? Benefits, Risks and Precautions 1

What Kind of Nuts Can Cats Eat?

Nuts may be non-toxic for cats, but they can be harmful depending on the type and amount of nuts your cat crunches on.

Can Cats Eat Nuts? Benefits, Risks and Precautions 2

Can Cats Eat Almonds?

Almonds are high in protein, magnesium, and vitamin E. But can cats eat almonds? According to the ASPCA, almonds are perfectly safe. Without any nutritious value, a few almonds are harmless but too many might cause stomach distress or vomiting in cats.


Can Cats Eat Peanuts?

So, can cats eat peanuts? Peanuts aren’t poisonous to cats, but that doesn’t mean they’re better for them. For one thing, cats cannot eat peanuts because they are high in fat content. Often, peanuts contain salt, sugar, artificial flavors, and flavor enhancers, which should be checked beforehand.

Some cats are allergic to peanuts as well. While allergies to these nuts are rare, extreme caution is advised. The shells must be removed as well, as they may cause choking or intestinal obstruction.

Brazil Nuts

Can Cats Eat Brazil Nuts?

Vitamins C, E, B6, and A are found in Brazil nuts along with calcium, copper-zinc magnesium, and manganese. A few Brazil nuts won’t hurt your cat, but a lot of them can upset their stomach due to their high-fat content.

Cashew nuts

Can Cats Eat Cashew Nuts?

Overall, cashews are okay for cats to eat, but only in small amounts. Why? Because they are high in fat and can cause stomach upset, diarrhea, and pancreatitis. Cashews are also high in salt, and your kitten doesn’t require that much sodium in their diet.


Can Cats Eat Pistachio Nuts?

Pistachios, like all nuts, are high in fat and bad for your cat’s diet. Pistachios are usually salted or flavored. These should definitely be avoided.

If you still want to give your cat pistachios, make sure to remove the shells. The shell is just as dangerous as the nut itself. If eaten, the shells can cause intestinal blockage, calling for immediate veterinarian treatment.

pine nuts

Can Cats Eat Pine Nuts?

Although pine nuts are not poisonous to cats, their high-fat content (68g per 100g) may cause digestive issues. Too many pine nuts can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other stomach problems in your cat. If eaten excessively, they can cause pancreatitis and obesity

pecan nuts

Can Cats Pecan Nuts?

Pecans could be safe for your cat, but only if you are careful and feed them to him in moderation. Because of their high-fat content, these cannot be substituted in your cat’s main diet. A few won’t hurt, but do keep them out of your cat’s reach.


Can Cats Eat Hazelnuts?

Hazelnuts are also safe for your cat to eat, but again, caution is needed. Their high-fat content and potential choking hazard don’t allow you to leave them lying around freely. A good amount of hazelnuts can upset your cat’s stomach.


Can Cats Eat Chestnuts?

Chestnuts are considered safe for cats. However, they have little nutritional benefit and are high in carbohydrates (around 25 g per 100 g). In comparison to other nuts and seeds, they are lower in fat and calories, making them a healthier snack than cashews or walnuts.

Chestnuts include magnesium and potassium, which may be useful to cats suffering from cardiovascular disease. However, pet parents should keep in mind that nuts are only beneficial to cats when given in moderation.

Macadamia Nuts

Can Cats Eat Macadamia Nuts?

Macadamia nuts have proven to be toxic but it cannot be said the same for cats. Despite the fact that no scientific research has shown the danger of macadamia nuts to cats, it is best to keep them hidden for the time being.

It’s fair to believe that some cats accidentally ate macadamia nuts with no ill effects. But you shouldn’t try it since the risk is too great and the nutritional value isn’t worth it. Macadamia nuts are heavy in fat (75 g per 100 g! ), therefore eating too many of them might cause pancreatitis and considerable weight gain.


Can Cats Eat Walnuts?

Potentially, walnuts can offer some nutritional value and also not be toxic at all. A single walnut will not damage your cat, but be sure it does not become a usual snack.

Due to their high-fat content, having more than one nut may cause vomiting and diarrhea. Furthermore, moldy walnuts can be hazardous to cats due to fungi that produce tremorgenic mycotoxins. These poisons are toxic to cats, so throw away any rotting walnuts you have.


Can Cats Eat Coconut?

Being a fruit, a seed, and a nut Coconuts are also in this debate. So, can cats eat coconut? Experts believe that a single slice is not harmful or hazardous to cats. However, being a nut should be avoided. Its high-fat content might induce digestive difficulties or weight gain if ingested on a regular basis.


Just avoid feeding nuts in general since they offer little or no nutritional value and carry more risks. If your cat does get sick from eating nuts, contact your vet immediately.

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