How to Stop Cat from Jumping on Countertop

Do you have a cat at home? Most of the people who have a cat at home will love their cats but there are times when they don’t feel so nice.

Some of the people who have a cat at home have an issue that they can’t stop the cat from jumping on their kitchen countertop. They just want to know how to stop the cat from jumping on counter.

How to Stop Cat from Jumping on Countertop

They can use different kinds of methods for keeping the cat away from the kitchen counter but not all of them are effective and they can also be harmful to your cat. So, here I am going to share with you some of the effective tips that you can try to stop the cat from jumping on the kitchen countertop.

Why does my cat keep jumping on the counter?

Cats are curious creatures and they want to know what is happening in the kitchen. They usually jump up on the counter to get a better look at what you’re cooking or eating.

The reasons why cats jump on counters can be diverse, but one of the most common ones is that they are just curious. Cats are natural explorers and they want to know what’s happening in the kitchen. They jump up on the counter because it gives them a better view of what you’re cooking or eating.

What if I Can’t Keep Them Off The Counter? – What You Should Do Next

Cats are curious creatures and they love to explore new things. This can be a problem for owners who have furniture with countertops.

There are many ways that you can stop your cats from jumping on the countertops, but first you should make sure that your cat is not doing it because of an illness or injury. If there is no underlying health issue, then the best way to stop them from jumping on the counters is to make sure that they are not allowed in the room where the furniture is located.

How to Stop Cat from Jumping on Countertop tips

Use some homemade cat repellents

You can use some homemade cat repellents for stopping the cat from jumping on the kitchen counter. These homemade cat repellents will work like a charm as it will protect your cat from getting harmed by the cat.

So, mix some lemon juice with some catnip and place it in a jar. If you want then add some mint leaves and leave it for a couple of hours. You can place it in any area where the cat likes to jump, but it should be away from your pet’s food and water.

Get rid of cats’ favorite toys

If you have a cat at home then you need to get rid of its favorite toys. If you have an old toy which is not used then throw it away or you can also give it to your pet’s friend. But, if it’s not an old toy then you can use it for stopping the cat from jumping on the kitchen counter.

Use catnip spray

Catnip is a powerful herb that can control the cat’s behavior. Use catnip spray and spray on the places where the cat likes to jump. The cat will be afraid of that place and it will make him stay away from that place.

Don’t allow the cat in the kitchen

If you don’t want the cat to jump on the kitchen counter then don’t let it in the kitchen. You should lock the kitchen door so that the cat won’t get in and harm yourself or your other pets.

Get rid of cat litter boxes from the kitchen

If you have a cat at home then you need to get rid of its cat litter box from kitchen. Cats like to jump and it will create an unpleasant odor if you leave the litter box there. So, get a new cat litter box and place it in the room where you want the cat to stay away from.


These were some of the effective tips for stopping cats from jumping on the kitchen counter. If you follow these tips then I am sure you can make your cat stay away from the kitchen counter.

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